Dandelion: Background, Benefits and Magical Uses

Dandelion: Background, Benefits and Magical Uses

Before we get started on this informative piece.  As always I am  not your doctor or even a doctor at that. Research this information and bring that data back to your doctor before starting any herbal medications

Everyone likes to call dandelion a weed in their lawn but the reality is that it is a powerful medicine that the universe continuously blesses us with. My husband sees them as pests and I see pure gold. I mean there is a reason that in 2009 , fresh dandelion leaves were a $2 million a year industry. Here are just some reasons you want to use this medicinal plant. Know where you're foraging and don't use anything that has been sprayed with chemicals for at least 2 full years. 

Seems as though the benefits are long and old. They have been used as medicine by many cultures.

Chinese: used dandelion to treat diabetes, cancer, bacterial infections, fevers, skin conditions and more. 

Native Americans: used dandelion to treat renal conditions, skin disorders and heartburn.

Europeans: used dandelion to treat diabetes, eye disorders, fevers and boils. 

In Ayurveda medicine it is used to treat liver disorders. 

There are benefits in the garden that they can bring. For example, dandelion brings the nutrients in the dirt to the top of the soil. So this works great to help with shallow rooted plants such as herbs. They also add extra minerals and nitrogen to the soil. And of course it attracts those lovely pollinators we all need and love.

I like to use the entire plant. Leaves, Roots, Flowers and Sap. Let's not forget the puffy little seed balls. 

Here are just some basic benefits we can receive:

  • High in Minerals, Potassium, Fiber, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamins A, B, C, D
  • Works gently to improve functioning of the urinary system as well as the liver and gallbladder and digestive system. 
  • Great for cleansing skin.
  • Improved Pancreas, Spleen, Skin (eczema and acne) and eyesight.
  • Promotes Appetite
  • Great for Digestion (reduces high cholesterol) 
  • Diuretic
  • Alleviate joint pain
  • Improve heart and lung irregularities
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Viral infections
  • Cancer fighting

When you boil young leaves into a tea or eaten fresh in salads, they work as detoxifiers. Here they clear blood and lymphs by increasing eliminations through kidney and bowels. 

Liver related conditions that can be aided by dandelions include:

  • Jaundice                                 
  • Hepatitis
  • Gallstones
  • UTI's
  • Painful Menopause

Roots:  Roots can be boiled and eaten as a vegetable. We can also use roasted dandelion root as a caffeine free coffee substitute.

Flowers: Mild and lightly sweet. Eating a few flowers can relieve headaches. They are a bit bitter when picked in the evening so try morning instead if this something you don't like. You can also make a flower infused oil that can aid with dry skin, muscle tension, muscle aches, stiff-neck and arthritis. 

Sap & Latex of Stems:  The sap collected was once used to remove freckles, age spots, corns, and warts. It also helps promote hair growth and treats bee stings and blisters as well as treating rough skin. 

Leaves: The leaves used in a salad help with things like a sluggish liver, constipation, urinary problems and fluid retention. 

Dandelion as a Diuretic

For the most part dandelion can be used long term. Although with most diuretics, you tend to loose potassium, Dandelions are so high in potassium that it tends to not happen.

Diuretic benefits are as follows:

  • Swollen ankles
  • Fluid retention
  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Alleviate shortness of breath in the elderly
  • Strengthen Urinary Tract
  • Helps with bedwetting in children and adults with incontinence

Dandelion as an aide in cancer treatment

When taken regularly as a food and medicine, dandelion helps prevent some cancers especially melanomas and other chronic illnesses by keeping the body clean, toned and healthy. It has also been noted with alleviating side effects of chemo.

Dandelion Tincture: Helps with skin problems, sluggish liver, gout, constipation, urinary problems, fluid retention, arthritis, hangover, chronic illnesses. 

Roots or leaves can be tinctured separately for specific uses but the whole plant can be used as well. 

Directions: Dig plant and clean it up and deadhead any spent flowers. you can leave the plant whole or chop it up. I prefer to chop it up but do what makes your heart happy. Get a glass jar and cover it with Vodka. If chopped the tincture will be ready in about 2 weeks. If you are using the whole pant leave for about a month. When ready strain and save the tincture in a dark colored bottle. 


for general health use 1/2 a teaspoon 2x a day.

Skin Issues:10 drops in water frequently throughout the day until the skin clears, 

Digestive/Chronic Illness/Sluggish Liver/Arthritis/Gout/Eczema/Psoriasis:  1/2-1 teaspoon 3x a day in water.

OVERINDULGENCE: For those food babies that cause indigestion as well as hangovers. 10 drops in water every hour until you feel better. 

Dandelion Oil:

Flower essence oil should only be used externally. I like to make a roller or put in a dropper bottle. It pairs nicely with essential oils as they work as a natural preservative. I like to pair it with Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Rosemary.


ALLERGIC REACTIONS: If you are allergic to ragweed, marigolds, chamomile and yarrow then you are most likely allergic to dandelion as they fall in the daisy family. You can develop mouth sore from ingesting and increase your heartburn if there is an allergic reaction.

Take Caution: If you suffer from gallbladder or kidney issues you must speak to your doctor first before starting.

DIURETIC: as this is a diuretic it will cleanse the body of medications faster, Please speak to your doctor 

MEDICATIONS THAT CAN INTERACT:    Antacids, blood thinning meds, diuretics, lithium, ciprofloxacin, and any meds that are broken down by the liver. 


Dandelion Magical Correspondences

  • AIR

Used for: Wishes, Protection and Ancestral Magic


 I hope you find this info helpful. Leave a comment below and let me know what info you would like to learn about next!

As always I am not your doctor or even a doctor at that. Research this information and bring that data back to your doctor before starting any herbal medications













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